• Take Me Back

    Take me back to the old times…
    where my only problem was how to ask a persmission just to play a game.
    A time where a chocolate, lollipop, or cotton candy made me already happy.

    Take me back to those days…
    where Westlife, A1, F4, and Spice Girls’ songs were just being enjoyed and not felt emotionally.
    Those days where running and jumping were the only things that made me low.

    Take me back to the past…
    where my deepest wound could simply be mended by a band aid;
    and my loudest cry would only come from my mom’s hands.

    Take me back to those memories…
    where I could find relief;
    For maybe through reminiscing childhood might make me forget my present world of hardship.

    Twitter: @Wandered_Sole