What God Tells Me About My Anxiety

It has been already two months since my latest job ended. After that, I turned my focus on things that I think would satisfy me such as series watching, reading, and writing. I even tried doing random things like video editing, manga reading, online selling, and such. But at the end of the day, no matter how I keep myself busy, anxiety still really strikes.

I know to myself that I am a positive person. As much as possible I do not let any negativity to overcome me. But, this pandemic has a different effect on me — I lost my sleep discipline, eating appetite, leisure interest, and even my smelling and taste senses. No wonder why a lot are undergoing depression during this times.

But God has a great reminder for me during this particular season of my life:

“Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

Thinking about my monthly bills and future journey would just lead to worrying, and if it’s just by my own, I could not do anything. Thus, let me surrender everything to You, Father. I know this hidden sun of mine will come its rise after its sunset. Everything will fall into its perfect place. Remind me to trust your timing.

Twitter: @Wandered_Sole